At Last Endler Babies


Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
East Yorkshire-UK
I purchased 4 pairs of endler babies saly i lost one of the female (think it was stress of moving as she was pregnant) but the others have been busy and i now have around 40 endler babies in my little growing on tank, i'm very happy as you can tell as i had to wait two years before i found some sutiable adult endlers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations! I love Endlers :wub:
I have had 2 lots of babies, 3 in the first drop, 6 in the second. Yours must have much bigger batches!
My girls had some a while back. Their babes turned out almost all female! One of the survivors is a male and it's been lovely to watch the colours appear. Trouble is, between them and the platies I now have rather alot of livebearers in that tank. I must pass some on. :S
Congrats. Are you going to keep them or sell them on? If your selling them later I'd be interesting in buying a few to introduce to my endler tank; a few new genetics strains are always good :)
sorry i havnt got back sooner the endlers are just swrodtail endlers, bought enougher pair at the weekend ther ein a little quarintine tank came home today to find that the female had given birth to around 15 babies :) .....i'm hoping to expand my collection but finding differnt strains in difficult

the babis are original posted about are doing well and will hopefully be moving up to bigger tanks in the near future


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