Asterina Stars


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
I have quite a few Asterina Stars climbing the glass, is that a good or bad sign? I was watching one last night as it stayed in the same place on the glass. I was looking at it because it had 6 arms/legs whatever they are. When I looked 2 hours later it only had 3! Now I see what I am sure is the same star looking like this:


its a mutant! haha!!!

Noticed another one right at the surface, this must be a bad sign, are they trying to get out?

Been looking at my tank, there are 3 other Asterina stars on the glass all climbing to the top and all have 6 legs/arms should I be worried my tank water is wrong or something, are they all going to die?
don't worry!! 6 arms are usual. they eat uneaten food so are part of a great CUC. There arent any reports that im aware of, of anything eating them, (im sure something will somewhere but dont worry) They do tend to change their appearence as they stretch and graze on food.

Its a good sign!! :good:
Asterinas grow extra legs and then "lose" them to create new starfish, which is why they look awkward and always have a strange number of legs. They are great additions to a tank.
Weez chill girl :cool:

In my experience when you first set up a tank and stick the rock in it seems like all the Hitch Hikers come out for a look around, the population of Asterina stars is reported to fluctuate greatly in a tank according to whether the population can be supported by the tank or not, more to eat they split more often. They come in every deformed shape you can imagine, I have a great one at the mo with 3 legs, 2 big ones and one tiny.
I was worried they were trying to escape haha some are still on the rock with normal legs haha

So they arent like some things multiply when dying or in danger? Lol
I was worried they were trying to escape

Dont worry, the last one that escaped only crawled in to their owners bed for warmth :p just listen out for slurping sounds.........., then you really are in trouble! happy dreams
Ahhh! thanks for that Seffie!
Good job my dog eats stuff like that haha! She constantly attacks flies and catches them amazingly!

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