Astatotilapia latifasciata


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2004
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well i was doing a 100 % water change on their tank today and when i scooped her in the net she spat all her eggs and i dont think she has any left in the mouth also i had no idea she had them or i would have left them be

I got all the eggs up and put them in a brine shrimp hatcher to keep them tumbling will this help them hatch cause she wont pick them up again i was trying to recreate what was happening in her mouth.

she and the eggs are in their own tank cause i thought once they are free swimming i would let them out in there with her

good idea or not

please comment

thanks for the input all the egges died but after i read that info it seems i was tumling to hard but im going to leave her in the tank on her own cause i am hoping she still has a few left

i rearraged the 80 gal so as i can keep a better eye on these fish there is one more female in there and hope she has a few in her to .

being so rare my LFS will take all babies for a nice amount of dollars as there is no other breeder in the area or store credit

hmmmmm may get another tank to keep a batch of fry in and breed that lot with the other male heres a question can you interbreed fish or inbreed which ever way you look at it

i know with kelpies working dogs i used to breed the second generation this would work with the second generation but not the third would this work the same if i breed the daughter fish with the father fish but no futher than that ?????

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