Assassin Snail Bioload?


Fish Crazy
Nov 21, 2010
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I have live plants in my tank and have noticed some snails. I'd like to get an assassin snail or two, but I'm concerned about bioload because I know some snails can produce a lot of waste.

The eventual stock for this tank (20 gallons):

1 dwarf gourami
4 Endlers guppies
6 panda cories
6 rasaboros
6 rummy nosed tetras

Also, the tank is not cycled yet, but I have added the gourami and 2 of the guppies to get them out of a worse situation with a smaller tank. I'm checking levels and doing water changes everyday. Could I add the snails if I can have them now, so they can take care of the snails before the population gets any bigger?
Assassin snails have a very small bioload & are quite attractive in their own right. I am going to buy some asap.

here is some info i have found

"The Assassin Snail, Antentome helena also known as the Beast or Killer snail, is an attractive little trumpet-style snail which feeds on other snails and has a slower reproductive rate than most 'pest' snails. Adding a few assassin snails to your tank will help to reduce the population of other pest snails, and eventually may even eradicate pest snails. The Assassin snails will grow to around 1.5-2cm and have a colourful shell, making them an attractive addition, and once they have eaten all other snails in sight, they will scavenge amongst the substrate for waste material. Whilst they do not reproduce as quick as other snails, they can still produce numerous offspring, but at least if this does happen they have value and can be sold on or given away to other fish keepers or your retailer. "

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