Assassin Snail Assistance


Fish Fanatic
Feb 3, 2009
Reaction score
North West UK

I have a snail problem and i got two of these little beauty's today at £2 each which i thought was a bargain. They are up and about and i have seen one of them eat a snail already! he is now sleeping / resting?

I have a few questions if someone could help please?

1) will these snails take care of my pest snail infestation?
2) how many snails will they eat / day?
3) do they supplement their diet with other food sources?

many thanks

I do not own any of these little guys, but this is what I found after doing some research for ya! :good:

1. Yes, in time they will be able to eat all the other smaller snails in your tank.

2. Assassin snails usually eat one or so snails a day and then go dormant for a day or two. They eat, then sleep, eat, sleep, eat, sleep....etc...

3. If when they eat up all the snails in your tank, they will eat other debris and algae wafers. But they are not good algae eaters, so dont rely on them to take care of any algae problems you have.

They will not eat their own kind though, so dont worry about them eating each other.

Also, they don't reproduce that fast and should not become a problem in your tank. And if they do start to increase in numbers more than your liking, you will be able to easily sell them, as they have some value towards them.

What do you think they will be like with cherry shrimp and nerite snail's?
I know they are ok with cherry shrimp as they have left mine alone, I've read they are ok with nerite snails but I dont have any to say if its true or not.

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