Aspiring Planted Tank


New Member
Apr 12, 2007
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This is the progression of my 26 gallon tank. The pictures show the progression of my tank over the last 6 months.
Lighting: 4 bulb t-5 fixture 96w max: @ current 72w 10 hr per day
Ferts: have the EI mixed awaiting proper Co2 lvls before dosing
Co2: 1 nutrafin awaiting purchase of 2nd to reach 30ppm
Plants: Cabomba, wisteria, anubias, vals spiralis, mayaca fluviatilis, moss is in transit, glosso

Hope you like it :blush: Look forward to comments
also note that this tank was a gift from my girlfriend and the colloseum must stay per her orders. :dunno: also the pleco calls it home. The contraption is a Co2 system that I was using to add Co2 however its crap and should have already been removed. Purchased without research. :sick:





The mayaca is in the back center and hopefully will fill that void nicely

I have an order of willow moss in transit that i am planning on attaching to the bog wood in front. I am also trying to get ahold of some java moss to attach to the colloseum.
Some more pics:





the glosso isnt working well due to my course substrate and may need to be removed.
hi portwash sorry to say this but girl friend or not that colosium just does not look right, besides that i think you could have a nice setup without it, regards john
hi portwash sorry to say this but girl friend or not that colosium just does not look right, besides that i think you could have a nice setup without it, regards john

If the coloseum must stay, it must stay. I am glad, however, that Mr. T-Rex was removed. :lol: You could try and create a scape revolving around the Coloseum. Especially if moss and other plants were attached to it, giving it a ruined look. Otherwise, the tank looks pretty good.

With 96W over the 26g, you're goint to have a difficult time producing enough CO2 to maintain stable levesl with Nutrafin Units. 72W is better, IMO, especially if this is your first tank with EI. I think you'll be able to grow just about anything with that lighting level, stable CO2, and EI. The glosso needs a finer substrate for it to carpet effectively, so it's not your lighting that didn't allow the gloss to do well, though the fact that your tank is tall is a factor as well. I'm wondering what would be a better alternative with your substrate? Most of the grasses require finer substrates as well. E. tenellus may work, but it may get a bit unruly with your lighting and ferts. It could look pretty cool, though, especially if it grows around the Coloseum. Not that I'm trying to hide the Coloseum, but we do want to make it as unobtrusive as possible. :lol:

Thanks john and llj for the input. I am trying to get some java moss and the plan was/is to tie it down and have it hopefully consume the coloseum. I agree at current it is a sight for sore eyes. The positive is that the fish seem to enjoy it especially my pleco.

You are right on with the glosso and my substrate not being compatible. I am thinking of taking lessons from the pinned post with the riccia and having that fill the void left by the soon to be removed glosso.

96w is far too much muscle for me to handle. The unit was only 10$ more than a 3 bulb unit thus i figured better to be able to add more in the future. This unit also provides me the opportunity to run 48w to start then 72w back to 48w for the dawn and dusk effect although i need to purchase an additional timer.

Going forth I am going to try and get my hands on some java moss to apply to the coloseum. Attach the soon to arrive moss to the bogwood in front. Figure out what to do with the void left by the glosso. Riccia? Ideas suggestions? Then I am thinking after another 2 months or so I will undergo a large rescape. My thinking is that this time will provide an opportunity for the plants and soon to be introduced moss time to mature and settle.

Thanks Again

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