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Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
OK guys and girls, possibly first season I have posted in this area of the forum but I need some advice.

I have 2 Angels and am looking to put a good school of tetras in there with them. I currently have 6 Black widows and may add another 3 or 4 to them to top those up but I would ne interested in getting rid of my silver-tips and putting in another type of interesting tetra.

So...........over to you..........
My favorite tetras are Serpae Tetras. I have 8 of them in a 55 gallon hex with 18 Tiger Barbs, a Red Tail Shark, and 10 Kuhli loaches. If I had angels though, I would probably not put Serpaes in with them. They are pretty nippy. I recently bought my girlfriend a 14 gallon hex. We went shopping for fish, and she turned me onto Rasboras and Black Phantom Tetras. I have really taken a new interest in these. I got to looking at the differences between Black Widow Tetras and Black Phantom Tetras, as I at first thought they were the same. However, I found that I like the phantoms much more. The widows have long fins that seem to be torn and ragged, and just don't seem to be as graceful. So my suggestion would be to get some Black Phantoms. The males are black and silver and have beautiful fins. They often display or spread them out. The females, however, are red in color and do not have as big fins. The females are easily confused with Serpae Tetras.

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