Asian Sun Catfish Help


New Member
Oct 1, 2012
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I've had my asian sun catfish for a few weeks now. I never saw it though then read that these fish are happiest in dark places and hiding due to being nocturnal. However today I decided to take all my gravel out and go with sand.I put all my decode back in (bog wood 1side, slate caves the other side) all the fish are out and about all happy. Buy so is the catfish. It seems to find a hiding spot but then darts about the tank then hides in a new spot then darts around again. He's not stopped also swims under my acara sometimes as shown in the attached image. Any ideas what I could do for it?
Cheers guys
Seems like normal behavior for these guys, they will dart about till they find a good spot to hid. When they don't have a good spot to hide the will hide under other fish and when you have more than one they will take turns laying on top of each other. These guys are like most catfish where you wont see them very much if they have somewhere to hide. I have mine in with my gar which is a bare tank so they lay on top of each other and follow each other around in the open, its best to have more than 1 in a tank, but remember these guys can get up to 12" but its takes about 8-9 years. they hit about 6-7" and their growth slows dematicly.   

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