Asian Rummynose / Naked Microrasbora


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2004
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Michigan - The Great Lake State
I just returned from my [acronym="local fish store"]LFS[/acronym] with a couple of khuli loaches but while I was there I was shown a fish by the owner I had never seen before. Since he knows that I'm looking to start a single species tank with a smaller fish, he told me to check out a new addition. The fish he suggested was an Asian rummynose / naked microrasbora (Sawbwa resplendens). Talk about a gorgeous :drool: little fish! It has a slim silver/blue body and the male has a red/orange nose and tail tip.

I need to do some research to see if this will be a good fit for me. :book:


edit: added picture
We have them in where I work.

So far what I've learnt about them is that they really don't like acidic water, even around pH 6.5 kills them off fast (yeah, that was a big mistake).

Other that they seem to be your usual small fishy, getting around an inch and a half and being fairly active compared to tetras.

Seem really nice.
A Lake Inle fish, so naturally adapted to slightly alkali, pH 7-8 and pretty hard water 10-15. Would seem ideal for a regular tapwater setup without extremes. I've never kept them, the only time I've seen them here they were in a dreadful state and I doubt they survived a week. They are on the regular stock lists at several UK places I watch, Wholesale usually have them for example.
It pops up at the LFS here every now and then.

As pointed out, they'll need an alkaline PH. I believe they're strict about temperature as well, I think low-to-mid 70's?
Thanks for the first-hand knowledge. It looks like they won't be a good fit since my water is on the soft side because I keep quite a bit of wood in my tanks.

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