Asian Biotope


Fish Crazy
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
New York, NY
As previously posted, I am getting a 72 Gallon bow front tank in the near future.

I was trying to do a "global" community tank, but was running into water and eating conflicts.

I've decided to go with an Asian biotope tank. Here's what I plan to stock the tank with:

4- Rosy Barbs
4- Tiger Barbs
8 - Harlequin Rasboras
1 - Rainbow or Red-Tailed Black Shark
1 - Gourami
2 - Clown Loaches

Any thoughts on my stocking list? Conflicts? Overcrowded?

I wasn't sure about the Clown Loaches because of size. Was thinking about substituting them for a bunch of corydoras, but then I lose the biotope scheme.
will rosy barbs school with tiger barbs? cos if they won't, then the tigers wil fight as they aren't in a big enough group... -_-

everything else looks pretty good :thumbs:
rsz said:
will rosy barbs school with tiger barbs? cos if they won't, then the tigers wil fight as they aren't in a big enough group... -_-

everything else looks pretty good :thumbs:
I'm not sure. What is the recommended schooling size for tiger barbs? Which fish do you think the tiger barbs will fight in this setup?
jaywings19 said:
rsz said:
will rosy barbs school with tiger barbs? cos if they won't, then the tigers wil fight as they aren't in a big enough group... -_-

everything else looks pretty good :thumbs:
I'm not sure. What is the recommended schooling size for tiger barbs? Which fish do you think the tiger barbs will fight in this setup?
the tiger barbs should be kept in a shoal of eight or more so they are occupied amougest themsleves through displaying. if this is not the case the tiger barbs will nip and chase other fish especailly the gouramis and other barbs or mid water fish.
the tank is good sized, so go with three of the clowns, they need to be in a grouping, loaches school/shoal.
i would say no less than six tiger barbs, though with that much space for for 8 or 10. the tigers and the gourami may be a bad idea, as gouramis get stressed out by fish like tigers (fast moving super active fish....)
i'm not sure how the tigers and harleys would be, but if they tiger school is bigger then maybe they won't nip
just my opinions of course :)
Okay... adjusted slightly for previous opinions:

4- Rosy Barbs
8- Tiger Barbs
8 - Harlequin Rasboras
1 - Rainbow or Red-Tailed Black Shark
2 - Clown Loaches (perhaps 3)
1 - Gourami (questionable because of tiger barbs)

Isn't this overcrowded for a 72G tank?
I'd say it sounds about right for a 72 gal, even with 3 clown loaches, as long as you have live plants and/or good filtration.

I too suggest you get 3 of the clown loaches, because they do enjoy company. They're also one of few shoalers that can get along pretty well in a group of only 3.
Morrgan said:
I'd say it sounds about right for a 72 gal, even with 3 clown loaches, as long as you have live plants and/or good filtration.

I too suggest you get 3 of the clown loaches, because they do enjoy company. They're also one of few shoalers that can get along pretty well in a group of only 3.
Filtration will be very good... Eheim Pro Series II Model 2026. However, it's not going to have live plants.

How do artificial plants impact the stock? Would you stick with what I listed or less/more?
I would say remove the clown loaches and add six Zebra loaches. Also what kind of gouramis are we talking about? I would suggest three pearl gouramis. Finally I think the shark would have issues with the tiger barbs(personal experience) and other bottom dwellers. Switch him out for another loach or two.
Wow. Gotta say I disagree with Colisa lalia. While I've not kept zebra loaches, I keep a number of other loaches and have been told that the zebras can be nasty, along the lines of the yo yos and skunk botias I keep (well maybe not as bad as the skunks.. they're real little devils). Clowns, on the other hand, are extremely peaceful. I think three would be fine in a 72 gallon tank. Also, I definitely wouldn't even try pearl gouramis with tiger barbs. Pearls are quite delicate in the world of gouramis, and as discussed in a similar thread in the characin/cyprinid forum, the only gourami I'd want to try with tigers would be a morph of the blue (opaline, three spot, golden etc). They are bigger and more aggressive and somewhat capable of handling themselves with more aggro fish. Lastly, I keep an rtbs with tiger barbs and think they make great tankmates. Which fish are you worried about in that scenario, out of curiosity - the rtbs or the barbs? While the rtbs can have issues with other bottom dwellers his size, I highly doubt that the spined clowns are going to have any problems.
I thought we'd already covered this?
jaywings19 said:
How do artificial plants impact the stock? Would you stick with what I listed or less/more?
The good thing about artificial plants is that the beneficial bacteria will grow on them. Still, they don't provide oxygen nor do they remove nitrates from the water as live plants would do.

The stock you have listed should be fine, but you might want to leave the gourami out, especially since it's doubtful whether one will get along with the barbs. According to my very quick calculations you'd have about 70 inches without it, which is fine (I calculated 6-7 inches each for 3 clown loaches, as that's about as big as they get in the aquarium).
I just want to thank everyone for pitching in their opinions here. I love this site! :wub:

Based on everything discussed in this thread, I'm planning to get:

4- Rosy Barbs
8- Tiger Barbs
8 - Harlequin Rasboras
1 - Rainbow or Red-Tailed Black Shark
3 - Clown Loaches

I've decided to drop the Gourami idea as it seems that won't work out.

Again, thanks to everyone who helped out. I can't wait to physically get this tank and set it up! :D

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