Fish Crazy
As previously posted, I am getting a 72 Gallon bow front tank in the near future.
I was trying to do a "global" community tank, but was running into water and eating conflicts.
I've decided to go with an Asian biotope tank. Here's what I plan to stock the tank with:
4- Rosy Barbs
4- Tiger Barbs
8 - Harlequin Rasboras
1 - Rainbow or Red-Tailed Black Shark
1 - Gourami
2 - Clown Loaches
Any thoughts on my stocking list? Conflicts? Overcrowded?
I wasn't sure about the Clown Loaches because of size. Was thinking about substituting them for a bunch of corydoras, but then I lose the biotope scheme.
I was trying to do a "global" community tank, but was running into water and eating conflicts.
I've decided to go with an Asian biotope tank. Here's what I plan to stock the tank with:
4- Rosy Barbs
4- Tiger Barbs
8 - Harlequin Rasboras
1 - Rainbow or Red-Tailed Black Shark
1 - Gourami
2 - Clown Loaches
Any thoughts on my stocking list? Conflicts? Overcrowded?
I wasn't sure about the Clown Loaches because of size. Was thinking about substituting them for a bunch of corydoras, but then I lose the biotope scheme.