What a lovely daddy you are taking your fish for a walk
He's coming along nicely
Can you tell me though, why does he have lovely perfect fins when some of my guys have curly ones? Not all of them but some do I've heard it could be temperature but could it also be that their beanies aren't filtered and I have to change them every other day?
could be but mine are kept in kepang leaf water so maybe a bit more acid thats why i quarantine fish before posting as i ween them back to tap water it only slight but i use it.........
Cheers, actually the first picture of him a month ago was taken out side as well more natural light no flash he is also a lot darker blue he didn't enjoy the move really, took him a while to get any colour, and it wasn't really sunny but just experimenting with taking pictures to get better, so you can see fins and colours true without the flash taking them to a washy colour still practicing good fun ....