As many as possible


Fish Crazy
Aug 4, 2004
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Tomorrow morning about 20 hours from now I am moving to a new location which has horrible water for my tank. Although I'm bringing some tap water from my house now I was wondering how many water changes I could get done in this span. I ask because I have tinted my water yellow with a clay figure I put in my water (I boiled and rinsed, but apparentely not enough). I have since removed it and done two 20% water changes daily but I need to do as many as possible without messing up what I have completely. Any help I'd appreciate! It's a 10 gallon by the way if that helps. :look:
Have you figured out what you're going to do for water once you move?

You can do a couple 75% water changes, about an hour apart if the water source matches the water int he tank in pH, KH, and such. I've done this on a few tanks (emergenecy conditions, lowering temps, etc).Or, for something like a discoloration, I'd probably just run some fresh carbon--should remove it, no problem. Then you can do your regular water changes and avoid the risk of stressing fish.

Of course, there is not an upper limit on the number of water changes you can do. There are many people who have trickle systems setup--freshwater comes in, old water goes out, with the result that the entire volume of water is 'new' 4-5 times per day. It's not 'new' water that causes problems for fish, it's water that varies too much in temperature (for some species), hardness, or TDS.
I am bringing some water with me and I come home every few weeks so i can fuel up, haha. Its just so much easier using my water at my parents house, I never have to worry about it for anything, that's why I go through the trouble.

I will do what you said, thanks for the help, the color is almost gone now and I've done 2 50% changes already today!


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