arwona's tank size ph extra stuff to

well, what kind do you want? they all grow to be at least 2 feet long, but some can exceed 10 feet in length. do you have a tank that's at least 6 feet long, 2 feet high, and 2 feet wide?
The smaller varieties like asians and australians can be kept alone in a 6X2X2, bare minimum.

For silvers you'll need minimum 30" wide tank and 8+' for them to live in relative comfort.

And arowanas don't grow 10', its arapaimas a close cousin of aros that grow huge
Silver aros can hit the 4' mark.

Arapaima gigas can break the 13' mark though none bigger than 8' have been seen for some years due to overfishing of the larger species.

In an aquarium you are looking at around 6 to 8' as an adult size. Each scale can be longer than 3" once they hit 7'.
Hi Tigerman...your in for a real treat if you get one. Take a look HERE a different part ov the TFF it will show you how interesting and how much i m enjoying my thing you need it plenty ov research and time and you wont go far wrong. Gud luck and keep us posted on how your getting on and fingers crossed you do become an owner ov the brilliant fish ! Mary :D

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