Arulius barbs are a fantastic fish that I have kept for quite some time, and are fairly easy to keep too, the biggest concern is a large enough tank to house them. I have never kept them with an oscar though, so I don't want to advise on that part though.
As far as temperature, these fish are fairly flexible, and can be kept in some cooler tanks (not unheated tanks, but upper 60s F) but seem to do best in the mid 70s in my own experience.
Hardness is not a huge concern, they are fairly adaptable to most water conditions as long as it is not extreme.
In my experience most barbs like neutral/slightly acidic water but they can tolerate some alkaline water if necessary. Again, nothing extreme, I would recommend within 6.5 to 7.5 range.
Feeding should be easy, they are omnivores like the majority of barb species and should get a good flake/pellet diet with some live/frozen food mixed in (blood worms/brine shrimp/etc). Of course, being omnivores, these are not the ideal candidate for any sort of planted tank - your plants will become expensive fish food.
Ideally, I would keep these fish in a group of about 8 to 12+ fish. They look great in a large group and seem to be much more comfortable/colorful with a larger shoal. This does however require a massive tank especially with other fish as well.
Overall, a great and easy to keep fish, it would not be ridiculous to expect them upwards of 5 years with proper care, approaching 10.
As a side note, many times P. aruilius and P. tambraparniei are confused/referred to as the same fish. The easiest way to determine the difference is with the mature male P. tambraparniei, you will see extended dorsal rays on the male species, very similar to P. filamentosa.
Let me know if you have any questions.
after much thought of what i could keep with my oscar (keith) i stumbled accross these barbs in an lfs today.....
they really caught my eye and the colours were amazing and the fact that they get to a decent 4.5 inches is a big bonus as they will get bigger than keiths mouth
has anyone else kept these barbs before?
if so what can you tell me about them......?
ill get some pics up asap and hopefully they will colour up just as nice as they look really drab on googles pics