ARRRRR they’re back!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 1, 2003
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Were the hell do they all come from!?! I haven’t added and new plants/fish for 5 months now...I had a load then but I got rid of them by using a snail med about 4 & half months ago!?

where could they of come from?
how could over feeding bring them back?
I don't think you can be absolutely snail-free... They will show up, sooner or later. I like them, in decent amounts.
My 10 gal has got quite a few in too, I'm hoping to set up another 15-20 gal tank soon to transfer some of the fish into, the lfs has started stocking chain loaches so I'm gonna buy a few of them to keep the population under control.
Oscars are always good garbage disposals when it comes to snails. :D
What kind of fish(that would live in a 50g) eat snails and their eggs?
Dont forget it only takes one or two snails to survive the meds and they can lay hundreds of eggs in no time at all!

Clown loaches are good snail eaters! :)
It is almost impossible to eradicate snails. The meds tend not to be that good at killing the eggs, and if only a few eggs lay dormant for a few weeks, there you go again.
I had snail problem and bought clown loaches. They god rid of snails in a week. Buy 3 of them for 55g. They are fun to watch but need to be 3, they are shy and need company. Your problem will be gone in no time, regardles of how many snail you have. You can buy small clowns, I bought them 1.5 inch long and they worked their tails off.
you'd be suprised how snails can just "pop" up. I had a ten gallon all my life and about 4 years ago i got a new one to replace the old one. well i put most of the water from the old one in the new one. And in we had a pond sail problem in the old. Well now 4 years later i notced HEY! theres a snail in there! now everyonce in a while i see one in my new tank. Just goes to show once u have em its hard to get ride of em. :(

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