arrrrghhhh algae. I just can't get rid of it!


Twiglet and Eeyore
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Algae is worse than ever. Within a day its on the inside glass... :(

I think I may have the cyano one but not sure. Theres a blue/green slimey film building around bit of riccia that are floating.

The vallis has now got the same hair type algae that I believe bloozoo had :( And I have black brush algae on my swords, heater and hygro.

I've been suffering since about April/May I guess.

Tested last night (but didn't do nitrates)...
iron...near 1ppm
Phosphates are barely detectable (very feint colouring of blue in test tube).
CO2 11.2ppm :( For some reason my pH is now 7.2 where as a few months ago it never rose above 7. I guess this could be cos my CO2 output isnt as good? I seemed to have better luck using the sachets.

At the moment I am adding more yeast and changing it once a week. But I'm only getting around 18ppm to start with.

Light: daylight interpet t5 bulb. 55 watts over 20 uk gallon. Added mylar a few weeks back (never had a reflector at all before). Maybe this isn't helping algae.

I'm dosing with Kent Grow. And I add iron (cos its normally zero).

Do u think I have too much light for the amount of co2? I'd rather have 2 units going than always having to change the 1 every few days.

My plants look reasonably healthy to me. Most damage seems to be the algae. Although my sword leaves have holes in them. What deficiency is this?

//forgot to mention...the majority of the algae is nearer the surface. With only really some brush algae nearer the middle and bottom. The algae on the glass also grows on the glass where the sand is.
Hey Sam. I feel your frustration !
I was really at whit’s end a couple of weeks ago, and were absolutely *horrified* one evening when I even noticed some of the sand turning green :hyper:
I have since changed my lighting and now using one Dennerle tube and one Arcadia Freshwater. I must say it took a little getting used to, because the Dennerle made it very orange - not really a look I particularly like :/
However saying that: I have since (touch wood) not really noticed any / much new algae growth.

I am still using my packet mix - only because I can't be bothered to faff with the DIY CO2 mix every few days. Perhaps when I have some more time (or at the next change) I'll give it a go and see what happens.

I still haven't bought a phosphate test kit yet - keep meaning to, but not sure which one to get.

Wish I could help you too, but sounds like we are more or less in the same boat :/
Try to get your CO2 to 30ppm constant. I would say that your low CO2 is the main cause of your problems.

Measure your nitrates - if they're very low then this may be the cause of your possible BGA. Aim for around 0.5ppm phosphate, 15ppm nitrate to start with.

Good luck.
sorry to hear of your problems hondour but i'd echo gf225's comments on co2. that will really help.

on top of that this hot weather isn't helping. i've noticed my growth slowing and algae on the up since my tanks been at 29/30 degrees for the last 3 weeks.

good luck
thanks for the sympathy.

Judging that the algae has got worse since adding the reflector, I think upping CO2 would be the next move too. I'm going to get myself a 2nd Nutrafin thingy. and refill each one alternately so hopefully it'll be a more consistant supply of co2 at hopefully 30ppm....just need to be careful not to overdose I guess.

I'll let you know how it goes.

houndour said:
I'm going to get myself a 2nd Nutrafin thingy. and refill each one alternately so hopefully it'll be a more consistant supply of co2 at hopefully 30ppm....just need to be careful not to overdose I guess.

I'll let you know how it goes.

I was actually thinking of doing the same. I still want to get one of the JBL permanent CO2 thingy's, but after my slight (almost) disaster - of trying to order it online - I'll have to see about ordering from my lfs.

Good luck !
I have one of those permanent test things, but I havent re-filled it since I first got it :S It's just another thing to have to refill. I dunno why, but I prefer to test using kH and pH...they're both instant tests anyway.
How do those refills work anyway ? How often do you have to refill ?

Does it just sit inside the tank and you can easily see the readings?
i don't really get how it works...or if I even did it right...

you have to replace the test thingy every 14 days I not too bad...I'm just lazy (yet I'll quite happily spend 2 hours fiddling with the tank!)

It did actually change i must have done it right. I wouldn't use it as an acurate reading, just as a guide for if you're over dosing on co2.

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