Hi all
Im a little new to the fish keeping (about 4 months) but have the bug and have grown quite attached to my little buddies lol.
So with that said i need your help please http/
I have a 60 litre tank
1 Comet
1 Fantail
1 Black Moor
All med-large
Internal ELITE Stingray filter
Water change every 2 weeks approx (siphon) by 10-20%
Declorinate all new water
Symptoms are white spots on my black moor and fantail for just over a week now -
also my Black moor looks like he has a fine sprinkling of dust over parts of him
i have already lost 1 small speckled fish yesterday
My Comet is darting around irratically and they do dash to the bottom of the tank and brush their sides on the gravel
Ive been treating them with King British WS3 for white spot
Ive tested for Ammonia - Nitrite - Nitrate + PH and all fine apparently
But today my Black moor is looking real poorly - not doing much at all
im just a little worried that the treatment is'nt working - the spots dont seem to be dissapearing -
or that i have got the diognosis wrong.
Can anyone help please??
Hi all
Im a little new to the fish keeping (about 4 months) but have the bug and have grown quite attached to my little buddies lol.
So with that said i need your help please http/
I have a 60 litre tank
1 Comet
1 Fantail
1 Black Moor
All med-large
Internal ELITE Stingray filter
Water change every 2 weeks approx (siphon) by 10-20%
Declorinate all new water
Symptoms are white spots on my black moor and fantail for just over a week now -
also my Black moor looks like he has a fine sprinkling of dust over parts of him
i have already lost 1 small speckled fish yesterday
My Comet is darting around irratically and they do dash to the bottom of the tank and brush their sides on the gravel
Ive been treating them with King British WS3 for white spot
Ive tested for Ammonia - Nitrite - Nitrate + PH and all fine apparently
But today my Black moor is looking real poorly - not doing much at all
im just a little worried that the treatment is'nt working - the spots dont seem to be dissapearing -
or that i have got the diognosis wrong.
Can anyone help please??