firstly can we astablish which species it was? At that price i'm guessing a silver or black.
is it is silver then do you have the space to house a 3ft fast swimming arowana.
if it's a black then it's only a 6x2x2 minium tank you need. I'm thinking a 50g is a meduim sized 4ft tank right? In which case I would say it could stay in there for about 6-8months. Whats the exact dimensions of the tank in question?
Did you notice a yellow sac hanging from it's belly? (egg sac) if it still has this attached you shouldn't buy one, if you do decide to buy one then be very picky about which 1 you have making sure it's in perfect condition. At this size it's very risking buying arowanas, it's usually best to try anf find one at atleast 6".