Arrow Platys

Ddraig Goch

Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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I saw these 'arrow platys' on a website the other day :wub: , I think they're a new colour variation as I don't get many results when doing a search for them.

They appear to be a cross between a mickey mouse platy and a comet platy. :nod:

Unfortunately I don't have a comet at this time :( , but when I find one I'm going to try to breed some of these arrow platys for myself. :hey: ;)
That sounds really cute. Do you happen to have the website address, as I am curious to see them? :)

Good luck breeding, let us know how they come out! :thumbs:
I saw them on the 'Trimar' site (a UK online fish shop), they had a picture in their gallery but have since removed it. :( They were yellow arrow platys, they are still selling them but there's no pic and I can't find them anywhere else, sorry.

If I manage to breed one I'll post a pic :thumbs: , but I have to get a comet first. :crazy:
How dare they take the picture off before I could see it...the nerve of them! :p

What kind of Comet are you thinking of getting?
I’ve sent them an e-mail asking for them to put a picture up :shifty: , If they do I'll post a link. ;)

I don't know what kind of comet, I'm limited in the number of LFS's here so I guess I'll get the first one I see!! :nod:

P.s. Cute miniature appaloosa, is it one of yours?
Ah, okay, I was just wondering if you wanted a Blue, or a Sunset, or an Orange or whatever! I guess you'll just have to see what you can get! :)

Yay that you emailed them...hopefully they'll put that little bugger back up for me to see... :p

Yes, he's one of my horses. He's actually a Pintaloosa. :D Is the one in your avatar your's? Halflinger, Belgian...what breed?
Wow, I've never heard of a Pintaloosa before, he’s nice.

Yes he's mine, he's a Welsh Mountain pony (section A). Ironically his name is Arrow! :lol: I choose the picture because he is sticking his tongue out, naughty pony! :no:
What color were these arrow Platies? Because it would be cool if you could use Blue Comets, and then maybe have some dark blue markings..I don't know, just a idea. Of course, you'd have to get blue Comets first. :p
:( Sorry paulthegreat :sad:
The arrow platys were yellow, but I guess they could be bred to be most colours.
If I can get a blue comet it would be great as most of my platys are red or yellow ATM.
Hey I am just teasing :p A blue comet arrow platy sounds :cool: like to see pictures of something like that. How soon are you going to get started on that project?
Yep! :nod:

My very LPS is closed 'till Tuesday :sad: , and he didn't have any comets when I was there last :sad: :sad: , so it'll hopefully be within the next couple of weeks when I get a chance to travel to the other LPS's. :kana:

Don't worry paulthegreat, we didn't take it personally but horsey pics are on the pet topic now. :thumbs:
Having looked at the gallery thread I just want to clarify that what I call a 'Comet Platy' some of you might call a 'Twin-bar Platy'. :dunno:

Since I can't find a picture of these 'Arrow Platys' I've decided to create a digital representation of what they look like.
This is not an actual photo.

I still havn't found any Comet/Twin-bar Platys :( but my friend has some fry, so I might have to wait a few months but I will be breeding some....... one day!!! :nod:
So that's an Arrow Platy! Yep, here we call them Twinbars. I was envisioning some kind of black marking shaped like an arrow pointing towards the tail. Boy was I off! :p

I think they'll look good once you get to breeding them, though! Keep us updated...I'd really like to see how they turn out. :thumbs:

By the way, Comet/Twinbar Platy comment noted. Thanks. :)

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