

Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Essex, Kirby
I recently saw an add advertsiing red, blue and green arowanas.

I realise these are rarer like the black but what sizes do they grow to?

Blacks stay slightly smaller than silver right?

If they do stay slightly smaller I would consider spending a couple hundred on 1 of these.
Reds greens and golds are Asian arowanas; Scleropages formosus, ive not heard of a blue arrowana before. The Asians grow to around the same size as jardini's in captivity, usually maxing out at around 2 feet but are a very deep solid looking fish, they can also have nasty tempers like their Australian cousins. The cheapest Asian arowana will set you back around £250 for a small green with reds following at around £800 for a small fish and golds going into the thousands.
Those are very cheap, if you have the cash then snap one up now as i doubt you will ever see them at that price again, i was looking at some 6" reds a couple of days ago which were priced at £800 each and the one and only redtail gold ive ever seen was £1200 for a fish around 10 inches long, if i had the tank space to grow out a 8" arowana i wouldnt hesitate to order one for myself.
I was considering a Green as thats all I could stretch too right now.

I think I'll contact him and see if he could deliver as I don't think dad would apreciate driving that far and he's not keen on London!!

I'm guessing once they get older all the colours look the same anyways!!??

There we go e-mail sent, it's 70 miles from Ilford to me.

btw, what do you mean by grow one out? grow it on to sell for some serious dosh?
Actually the colours are quite different when adult but they all look pretty much the same when young. A adult "green" arowana will have a metalic green hue to the scales and blue/green finnage where as a gold redtail will look exactly as it sounds, gold scales and bright red fins.

I would need to grow a 8" fish out to a decent size before it could be added to my main tank, a slim bodied fish like a arowana would have to be at least a foot to avoid becoming lunch and i currently dont have the space for another 80g tank.
Oh right :rolleyes: seems like I would deffinately prefer a red but that much is out of my legue right now, if it was a bit later in the year I would beable to but I'ved just spent out :unsure: plus had to pay for my Ehiem tank recently :whistle:

Oh right, shame really, athough quite surprised you can't squeeze another tank in somewhere :lol:
Looks like I might be getitng a green arowana!!

We're having quite a convo via e-mail at the moment, and seeing if my brother can dirve me half way to meet him.

just after some pictures at the moment.

Wooha, he's got 22 arowanas!!

He only picked them up today so he's going to send me some pics tomorrow and tell me how there feeding.
cheers for that, looks pretty good, not much time now so I'll have a better look later, some of the aros pics are stunning.

Just thought do aro's do well in a PH of say 8 :/ After reading the FAQ's on the site it put me into a worry as it said 7.5 is about the max and above they can from stress and be susseptible to desease.
A pH of 8 is a bit too high for any arowana species and most other large oddball species wont like it much either, id be seriously looking into ways of lowering that down to a max of 7.5 by using either R/O water for partial water changes or using peat in the filtration system amd maybe running a little CO2 into the water.

I'l have to sort that on friday. I can move my CO2 system onto the sump as once i move the fish aorund I won't beable to keep the plants that nice with the types of fishn in each tank.

Thats jus a Nutrafin yeastr reactor one. I can add the peat aswell, I looked into that before and it looked unstable??

My brother can drive me round tomorrow so it's looking good!!!

and a picture, there the 2 smaller ones towards the back-

Where should I run my CO2 defuser into?

I was thinking put it where the filter floss is in the sump so that bubbles get caught in that.

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