One fish i have always wanted is a Arowana but due to tank size limitations have been unable to get one,however i have finally convinced the mrs that i really need a bigger tank so by the end of this year i will have a nice shiney new 135 UK gallon tank (measurements 66"x24"x24").I have seen it written that the minimum tank size for them is 120g but this was reffering to a 72" tank,will my larger volume but shorter length tank be ok to keep one in or do i still have work to do on the mrs before i can finally get one (although anything larger than 66" will require moving house
Also how aggresive are they?It would be housed with some x-large Balas,a sorubim lima shovelnose cat,2 polypterus sp,buttikoferi and various other large or/and aggresive fish,would these make suitable tankmates?

Also how aggresive are they?It would be housed with some x-large Balas,a sorubim lima shovelnose cat,2 polypterus sp,buttikoferi and various other large or/and aggresive fish,would these make suitable tankmates?