

Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2010
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so im thinking of keeping an arowana my friends parents keep a jardidni in a 40gal they say its normal in those tank sizes..he said they keep them in small tanks in china like that or even smaller..????i thought what the hell!?!?!?

i have a 130g with a 12 inch fire eel
and a 5inch black ghost knife i want a small(i know theres no such thing as small when it comes to aros)but what i mean not the tallest but the smallest 1 there is i want a baby you think itll be ok with my fire eel and bgk??
tell me the names and the size they say a fish will get there but its rare to see any fish get to the size its suppose to be?
You can't keep an Arowana in 40 gallons. Without wanting to come across as hostile to the Chinese, I think it's fair to say that the status of pet animals is pretty low in China, and many of these arowanas will have far shorter lifespans than we'd deem acceptable in Europe or the US. There's also less space in the average home, and less money to spend on pet animals, compared with, say, an equivalent middle class family in the West. So fish tanks are bound to be smaller, and with arowanas having a perceived value as "lucky" fish*, there's an incentive to keep them even in relatively poor conditions.

Unless you have 200 gallons to spare, don't even think about an arowana. They're massive fish that need a lot of swimming space. They are also prone to a variety of syndromes when kept in poor conditions, including droop eye and gill curl.

Cheers, Neale

*One explanation for the luck is that the arowana will die rather than it's keeper in situations where extreme bad luck happens. As a skeptic, you could easily imagine that a dead arowana wouldn't be seen as one that died because of poor care, but rather an arowana that sacrificed itself to save its owner! Obviously if you look at things from that perspective, there's no incentive to determine why it died.

so im thinking of keeping an arowana my friends parents keep a jardidni in a 40gal they say its normal in those tank sizes..he said they keep them in small tanks in china like that or even smaller..????i thought what the hell!?!?!?

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