

Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2004
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My friend has a 55 gallon tank and he intends to get an arowana. He wants to know what he can put in there both to help the tank cycle, and to stay and live well with the arowana in there. He needs something that can live in low pH (~6.4) and that is a good fish to have.

Let me know!
55 is too small for a baby Arowana, and if he wants to keep it to adulthood, he'll need to buy it a minimum 180 gallon tank (I'm serious about this, nothing smaller can house these fish) and it would have to be alone, unless he wants to try a several thousand gallon pond.
These fish are extremely difficult to keep, and are best left for public aquariums. some species are even Illegal to keep in the USA.
As Frank said that may be ok for a baby Arowana for a few weeks but no more, I wouldn't advise keeping any sized Arowana in their personally. Some species of Arowanas get huge up to 30" and will need a tank of at least 300gallons. They are for the specailist because of their size, diet and attention to care. Your friend needs to look else where because under no circumstances should he EVER keep an Arowana in that size tank. I am sure CFC will be along soon to tell you the same thing so please tell your friend to listen because what we are telling you is very very true.
:) Moderator-Maybe this should be moved to the Oddball forum for more help.

Thanks :)
Arowan no likey 55 gal. tank! lol!! Your friend is looking for trouble if he tries it. If not housed in a big enough tank i have seen arowanas get disformed back bones and die. Very serious thing. If he is willin to get a large tank...such as a 300gal...then i don't see why he couldn't keep a few pacu or other very very large fish in there. You must remember that the arowana has a very large mouth, and WILL eat anything it can fit in there! Also, remind him that they are great jumpers, another thing wick could be a prob. So yeah, i'm thinkin he should research into another kind of fish. They are beautiful, but its not fair to them.
Some species of arowana like the golden one can cost you up to $3000 and the silver ones aren't that cheap either..
As its been said a 55 will only be hold a arowana for a few months at most, really you need a 100g just to last for the first 18 months and then be thinking of upgrading to at least a 250. The growth rate of a well fed arowana is phenominal, they grow on average about a inch a month and can be up to 48" when full grown!
What is the smallest Arrowanam and tank requirements?
Look at this webpage and it shows how hug the arowanas mouth is! It is full on gaping! Must hurt to get bitten. :unsure:

Arowana (Big mouth! :eek:)

I might get a 5 inch one and upgrade to a 80 gallon pond, but of course a bigger pond later. I'll let you know on how I go. :)
Eelzor-What is the point of building an 80g pond when it will only house them for a couple of months, either build a pond of 300gallons or get a much bigger tank.
The jardini, or Australian arrowana is the smallest, topping out around 24". It is also BY FAR the most agressive and fast moving of the group, negating any benefit to it's small size. :crazy: Watch your fingers, children, and pets.

The silver and black (S. American) both grow quickly from about 4" with a yolksack to over 42", at the mentioned rate of 1" per month. A tank 4' x 2' is adequate for about 16 months, at which point they will begin bouncing off the galss wildly. They are also amazing jumpers, coiling like a snake, then exploding out of the water with deadly precision. I have been bit many times while talking to someone near the tank (I talk with my hands, apprently fingers look tasty!). You must feed these animals at the surface with bugs, or by dangling meaty foods above the water, or they will develop fatty deposits behind the eyes and not be able to look 'up' as they should. This is typically caused by people who feed goldfish. In the wild, arrowanas take insects, birds and monkeys out of trees, they are not mid-water feeders. They are quite slow and deliberate in the water, and given a large enough space, are quite relaxing to watch. I have seen them in 12' x 3' x 3' aquariums, and while their basic needs were being met, they were still cramped. BTW, an adult black is often marketed as a blue arrowana for a very premium price. Don't be fooled.

The golden, or Asian arrowana is illegal for import into the US as far as I know. It is legal in many other countries, as long as it is accompanied by the appropriate paperwork indicating it originated from a captive breeding facility. They are endangered in the wild, but several programs exist where they are successfully raised in captivity. The process however, involves a manmade lake with weirs or trees sunk into the ground to simulate flooded valley conditions. I have seen many of these in local Asian businesses, as they are considered a good luck token. Most are in 180 gallon tanks, and are horribly cramped. I have never seen one in what I would call 'adequate' housing. These fish top out around 30" and are fairly slow-swimming, similar to the silver or black, but closely resembling the jardini in shape.

Hope that helps! If you do decide to get one, make yourself a very large aquarium. It does not need to be deep, just have a pile of surface area. Something in the neighborhood of 12' x 4' would do. Look at your local pool shop for a smallish above ground pool and have it installed in your basement. Many have side windows and great filters, so this is a very real option for many people crazy enough to consider it! :crazy:

Good luck,
copeina said:
The jardini, or Australian arrowana is the smallest, topping out around 24". It is also BY FAR the most agressive and fast moving of the group, negating any benefit to it's small size. :crazy: Watch your fingers, children, and pets.
The Jardini or Australian Arowana is not the smallest Arowana and can reach 30+" when fully grown, the Black Arowana from South America is the smallest species managing a maximum size of 30".
Hope that helps! If you do decide to get one, make yourself a very large aquarium. It does not need to be deep, just have a pile of surface area. Something in the neighborhood of 12' x 4' would do. Look at your local pool shop for a smallish above ground pool and have it installed in your basement. Many have side windows and great filters, so this is a very real option for many people crazy enough to consider it! :crazy:

Good luck,
/Kris [/QUOTE]

does your friend even have a basement ,dcraveiro . Big enough told hold a 12' x 4' swiming pool .

a smiming pool...........for one fish

Get real ,

people should stick to what can safely fit in an aquarium , and leave the big fish to zoos and public aquariums . Many will end up there anyway ,sadly others will die due to lack of proper care and adequate room to grow.
I'm from the old school where we treated ferrarai as a geographical variant of bicherossum. I did a bit of internet reading and apparently, that is not the present thinking, and ferrarai are now 'known' to top out at 30". Regardless, if you want to split hairs over 6", you probably aren't in the market for a 3' animal.

It is the spacial requirements that would dictate such a large tank, not just volume.

Arrowanas can be safely housed with most large fish that are not top-swimmers (or will not fit in their mouths). Some good choices would be shovelnose or red-tail cats, jaguar cichlids, peacock bass, black belts, pacu, synspilum, payara, mozambique mouthbrooders, clown knife, etc...

As far a people with big tanks in their homes, I know of 5 offhand and could likely find a few more with only a quick phonecall to any of those families. The smallest is 8 x 6 x 4, one is 10 x 4 x 4, another 12 x 3 x 3, yet another 16 x 4 x 4 (WOW!!), and the last 12 x 4 x 4.

I agree these tanks belong in a zoo, but there is no reason why the average person with a healthy budget and dedication to the hobby cannot do it themselves. BTW, some of those people with the big tanks keep average sized aquarium fish. They just like a more natural display, and the effect is stunning! The one that is 6' deep is an incredible example of how fish live in different strata in the wild.

What it boils down to is: know what you are buying, and prepare for it before you buy it. With these fish, by the time you 'get around to it', it has already outgrown your 100 gallon tank. There are a limited number of people with that kind of dedication to their hobby, and when you are trying to get rid of your fish that has outgrown you tank, they already have what they want, and they don't want yours.


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