arowana diet


New Member
May 23, 2004
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the past couple days ive been throwing miller moths in the tank that i found flying around the house
does anyone think this would be bad?
he seems to love them

i had some other questions on diet though
he is eating tropical flakes right now, he's just a baby 3 days old, maybe 4 inches

should i feed live?
i have a freshwater stingray in with him so i want to keep him from being agressive, ive heard beef hearts and arowana sticks

anything else?

also any recomendations on the tiger ray

hes about 3 weeks in the tank and about 6 inches in diamiter
he eats a 1/3 an ounce of live blood worms a day
he is doing well but i want to very his diet

also any other tank mates i should consider
I wouldn't feed beef heart as most fish can't digest maamel fats and it often leads to bloat, i've heard that they like bloodworms EDIT-{(actually you mentioned that) i think any frozen meaty food would be good such as krill} but have never kept them so i'm not sure, the moths shouldn't be a problem, the only thing wrong with feeding them insects is that the insects could be contaminated however this wouldn't be harmfull unless fed alot so be a bit stingy on insects unless you know they are alright

aghh, i'm useless you'd have better luck in oddball section maybe a mod'l move it

EDIT AGAIN------------->hey look i found a good site
I'd recommend against live, live food is expensive, and when these guys get big, they can EAT, you'll spend a fortune every day trying to keep him fed. They'll eat anything that they can get in their mouth too, so you'd never be able to keep him with anything because they do get over 3 feet long as adults (silvers up to 4), so do the maths on how large a fish their mouth can get around.

Beefheart is bad too, piranhas are about the only fish that can handle that commonly available.

insects they love, and are safer than feeders disease wise.

as for mine, he eats arrowana sticks and Hikari large cichlid pellets, and at 16 inches long, we go through an 8 oz bag of hikari every 2 weeks, imagine that volume of food in feeders!. He never eats the other fish in the tank (except 1 time he got a jewel) but he doesn't actively chase them, never shows agression, hes a great guy.

as a note, if you look at the geometry of the fish and it's behavior, you can tell they're surface feeders, so anything that floats is preferable to foods that sink.
just moved him from my 120 to a new 250...which Im praying doesn't decide to cycle!
To get the best out of your arowana try to keep the diet as varied as possible, i feed mine with whole mussels, cockles, fish (frozen), bloodworm (whole cubes, frozen), prawns, Hikari carnivor sticks, crickets, meal worms and occasionally live shrimp and very small strips of chicken. While your arowana is small try not to give it the same food two days in a row to stop it from becoming stuck on just one food but if it isnt eating you will need to feed it something it likes until it is at least 8 to 10 inches long, then you can starve it until it takes anything you offer it.

With the ray that too should accept mussels, cockles, fish and prawns, try adding small pieces when you feed the bloodworm and in time it should start to take them, once the ray is feeding on the frozen meaty foods you can cut out the bloodworms.
silver :(

he's with
1 pictus cat
2 angelfish
1 red devil - to be removed
1 green terror - possibly to be removed
6 jewels
1 tf barb
1 pleco
1 turq. severum
I just bought a 7 in. archer, I'm debating if I want him in there too

I probably forgot something

you wouldn't think it, but they all do get along. :)
:D nice tank mixture mine like s little goldfish, catfish high protien pellets, bloodworm live and frozzen and he also likes the floating sticks they are such a nice fish
it can be bad for the arrowana becasue those random flys carry disases and would affect your arrowana if you gonna do that cut their heads off and their legs off but keep them on a diet off small fish and krill and river shrimp once every couple off months give them some liver

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