Arnie's Sick Again



Im not having a good time at the moment!!!!

Arnie looks REALLY bad!!! He's now in my ten gallon tank (heated, filtered - been in there about a month) with his 2 albino cories and snail, and somehow half of his tail had disappeared... :/ Im assuming he's done it himself, the cories wouldn't have done it would they?

Anyway, it was fine last night, i didnt really look at them when i turned the lights on this morning as i was in a bit of a rush, but ive just got home from uni and looked and he has a huge chunk out of his body (where the tail "attaches" whatever that bits called!lol) It looks like 'something' has just eaten it... Why would he do this? Ive tested the water and thats all fine - he's lived perfectly happily in it for the last 8 months!!! Whats wrong with him?

I know he's getting old - his fins are going kinda transparent which ive heard happens with age... But he looks like he's got a bit of fungus on that wound hes chewed in himself which ive treated with some melafix, but he's looking really bad. He's just led at the bottom of the tank!!! :-(

Any suggestions? Im not so worried about the fungus as its only a tiny bit so the melafix should sort that, but why's he eating himself?!?!?! :sick: Any ideas would be great..



*Edited to add pictures... :sick: Sorry about the quality... He's in a bad mood... :/



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