Armoured Shrimp


New Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Hi, I have two armoured shrimps called Philip and Fern. Does anyone know the difference between males and females? And whether Philip and Fern will one day become lovers and make lots of little Philips and Ferns. :wub:
Thanks all
If you post this in the invertabrate part of the forum you will probably get more answers.
Not 100% sure but I believe these shrimp have a pretty complex life cycle and the egg's/larvae need to progress through a range of brackish water back to FW depending on what stage in development they are in.

Like I said I'm not 100% sure this is the case for these srhimp but it is for the majority of commercial available FW shrimp (chrry's, Crystal red shrimp and bumblebee shrimp are the only exceptions I can think of).

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