Armoured Shrimp Colouration/health Assistance Please


New Member
Sep 12, 2009
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Northampton, UK
Hi, round about 2 months ago I got 2 Armoured Shrimp. The only results from research (prior to buying) were from a couple of sites that only really gave basic stats, i.e; adult size, colouration, origin, how they feed, but nothing really about keeping them. I was informed by the LFS that they are scavengers like snails. I was told when acclimatising do so for longer than other livestock as they are sensitive to water changes, I wouldn't have to specifically feed them as they are fan feeders, I can supplement with veggies but don't over do it. Which is pretty much what is says in the caresheet on this site.

Anyway, I lost one of the shrimp due to an amonia problem I had shortly after buying. Then a week after that the second one disappeared, now I know they will hide away when shedding/molting, but I thought it was only for a few days. Yesterday I was doing my 2 week cleanup and weekly water treatment. I took out a log ornament, to look for a missing Molly and this Shrimp scurried out :hyper: I have taken this ornament out on on a few occaisions now to look for missing fish, so it was either moving around the aquarium from shadow to shadow or it survived in the ornament both in and out of the water for all this time. Just seemed strange that I hadn't seen it for all this time.

It seems fine, but I wanted to ask about it's colouration and whether or not I should be worried about it's health. He seems a abit paler than when I got it originally, but would this be to do with it's shed? Also to make sure it is getting enough nutrients what would be the best way of feeding him veggies without the other fish grabbing teh grub? Currently, when I put algae wafers in for my plecs I break up the 2 wafers and put a few bits away from where the plecs live, let the other fish zoom to that spot and then put the rest of the wafers in where the plecs are.


I have read the care sheet for shrimp on this site but there isn't anything for Armoured Shrimp unless they are under a different name, I can only find sources for Great African Shrimp or Camaroon Armoured shrimp.

My aquarium setup is as follows

300l Juwel Rio
Filter Media - White pre, Carbon, Nitrate, Blue Coarse, 2 x Blue Fine
Juwel Bio 1000 Pump
Interpet AV3 Dual Air Pump w/ 2 Airstones (bought after shrimp)
Temp 24-29c with an occaisional spike on a hot day
Water readings Amonia/Nitrite/Nitrate = 0
PH = 7.4 stable
Water Treaments = AquaSafe (every 2 weeks), Easy Balance (weekly), Nitrate Minus (Weekly)


My theory;

shrimp are like goldfish, if left in fast flowing waters [rivers] or in the dark for a while, they lose their pigmentation [goldfish go white]

And maybe the shrimp has been hidden in the dark for so long, it has lost its unneccesary pigmentation [colour]

My theory;

shrimp are like goldfish, if left in fast flowing waters [rivers] or in the dark for a while, they lose their pigmentation [goldfish go white]

And maybe the shrimp has been hidden in the dark for so long, it has lost its unneccesary pigmentation [colour]

Well that's certainly plausable, no light, no colour. It would be nice to see the colour come back though, they look amazing.

i think it is something less problimatic... My GAFS goes that colour after shedding. I think its perfectly natural.

It should get its colour back over the next few weeks.

Edit: I should add Great African Shrimp, Camaroon Armoured shrimp and armoured shrimp are all common names of the same species Atya gabonensis.
My theory;

shrimp are like goldfish, if left in fast flowing waters [rivers] or in the dark for a while, they lose their pigmentation [goldfish go white]

The point about fast flowing waters is incorrect, these shrimp come from fast flowing streams in the wild so would more likely be adversely affected by living in still water.
I find it stange that he is hiding ours sits on top of the filter all day fanning for food.

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