Armoured Plec Found In Leicestershire Canal!

Well it wasn't exactly caught, the boy found it dead, so it didn't survive.
Shame on whoever released it though.
It makes you wonder what other fish are being dumped. We already have non native's causing problems. :(
When I was scuba diving in lake Michigan with my dad on vacation I found a ton of saltwater round gobies and I heard someone caught a pacu that same day in the same lake.
Then again, it could have died in someone's tank and they gave it a "burial at sea" - or should I say "canal" LOL - would have been a bit too big to flush down the loo and they may have been too sad to throw it out in the trash... just never know!

The park near me has a small lake, which is used as a stock pool for small carp.People often feed the fish, and I did notice a pair of goldfish in there with all the rest gobbling the bread.
Ir says in the artical it was found next to the canal not init, sounds like it possibly died and was just dumped there, or someone was going to relese it into the canel but didnt and it looks more than 10 inches in that pic(I know pics can be deciving but it look huge!)

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