Armoured Bichir


Fish Aficionado
Nov 4, 2005
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middx heathrow
i am really interested in getting one of these guys :) i gotta 100 gallon tank(empty)cycling at the moment :) as far as i know this size tank is fine. ive read all i can find on them and now id like to talk to someone who has one thx
I have one of these guys, I bought him from an LFS who didn't have a clue what they were doing, he was almost dead when I got him. Now he is a solid 7" and chunking up nicely..amazing what clean water and the right food can do.
i have two :)
Great fish highly recommended!
heres a few questions :) what have you got sharing their tank?i know they will eat any fish that fit in there mouths so small fish are out.are they timid and hide a lot?how much did you pay your bichir?do you have to have sand or is gravel ok?just a few to start with thx

great article :) my pet dinosaur :D
Q:what have you got sharing their tank?
A:My tanks are species tanks
Q:I know they will eat any fish that fit in there mouths so small fish are out
Below is a partial list of possible tankmates for the small to midsized bichirs species.Parameters I used are based on size, temperment and availabilty . And i believe is a good starting point for you to do further research before purchasing
Dusky Pimelodid-Pimelodus blochii
Giraffe Catfish-Auchenoglanis occidentalis
Dwarf giraffe Catfish-Parauchenoglanis macrostoma
Giant Whiptail Catfish-Sturisoma aureum
Synodontis alberti
Synodontis angelicus
Synodontis pleurops
Synodontis decorus
Synodontis eupterus
Synodontis notatus
Synodontis brichardi
Synodontis nigrita
Synodontis flavitaeniata
Synodontis soloni
Liver Catfish-Heteropneustes fossilis
Black Lancer-Bagrichthys hypselopterus
Bristlenose-Ancistrus dolichopterus
Silver dollar-Metynnis argenteus
Distichodus notospilus-Distichodus notospilus
Congo tetra-Phenacogrammus interruptus
Black-Barred Myleus-Myleus schomburgki
Filament tetra-Bryconaethiop microstoma
Peacock Eel- Macrognathus aculeatus
CICHLIDS *(see note)
Dicus-Symphysodon discus
Angelfish-Pterophyllum ssp.
Two-Spot Cichlid-Cichlasoma bimaculatum
Tilapia joka-Tilapia joka
Oscar-Astronotus ocellatus
Severum-Cichlasoma severum
Kribensis- Pelvicachromis pulcher
Sparkling Earth Eater-Satanoperca acuticeps
Blue acara-Aequidens pulchrus
Balzani's Earth Eater-Gymnogeophagus balzanii
Blood Parrot Cichlid-Hybrid no scientifc name
Blue-Eye Cichlid-Cichlasoma spilurum
Festivum-Mesonauta festivus
African Peacock Cichlid-Aulonocara nyassae
Balzani's Earth Eater-Gymnogeophagus balzanii
Bandit Cichlid-Aequidens geayi
Blockhead Cichlid-Steatocranus casuarius
Callolepis Cichlid-Cichlasoma callolepis
Freiberg's Peacock Cichlid-Aulonocara jacobfreibergi
Keyhole Cichlid-Cleithracara maronii
Port Acara-Aequidens portalegrensis
Uaru- Uaru amphicanthiodes
Ctenopoma .acutirostre-Ctenopoma .acutirostre
Ctenopoma oxyrhynchus-Ctenopoma oxyrhynchus
Ctenopoma kingsleyae-Ctenopoma kingsleyae
Variegated Shark-Labeo variegatus
Bala Shark-Balantiocheilos melanopterus
Red-Finned Cigar Shark-Leptobarbus hoevenii
Red-linned torpedo barb-Puntius denisonii
Tinfoil Barb-Barbodes schwanefeldii
Chinese Algae Eater-Gyrinocheilus aymonieri
Clown Loach-Botia macracantha
African mudfish-Phractolaemus ansorgei
Black Ghost Knifefish -Apteronotus albifrons
Elephantnose-Gnathonemus petersii
African butterfly-Pantondon bucholzi
African Knifefish-Xenomystus nigri
(*note :to avoid agression do not have breeding pairs )
Q;are they timid and hide a lot?
A: Mine are fairly active,out swimming about there are times they just kind of sit around but they are not shy nor reclusive
Q;how much did you pay your bichir?
A.Price will depend on the size of the specimen and your location but figure $40.00 up.There is an online dealer i can recomend or ask your local fish store if they can order one for you.
Q;do you have to have sand or is gravel ok?
A:I prefer sand or finely gfound gravel but you can use gravel or even a bare bottom tank
I hope this helps you-Anne

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