Argos Play Sand

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Fish Crazy
Aug 19, 2011
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I recently made a simple point on another thread about the future safety of Argos play sand for aquarium use, which I'll briefly repeat here.

Lots of us have already used it with no problems - unsurprising really, since it's always been safe in the past and at this moment in time it is indeed still currently safe. However, bearing in mind that other brands contain ant-fungal agents which are harmful to fish, I made the point that Argos play sand could also contain dangerous ingredients such as this in the future, anytime the manufacturer decides to add them.

And basically, that was my point.

But of course, some of the long termers on here flamed me for it, I even had one make a sarcastic reference to it on a different thread. Disappointing reaction really, when we should all have the safety of fish foremost in our minds.

Anyways this is my last post on this forum due to the general arrogance of certain long term individuals, the belittling I have seen of learners, not to mention witnessing on a very recent, and fairly sickening thread, what basically amounted to the bullying of a 16 year old kid.

Before I go though, hopefully I can do a bit of good in a general sense about the practice of adding non-aquarium marketed products into aquarium water. The message is merely to be careful; think to yourself "Is it worth putting my fish at even the vaguest risk for the sake of saving a couple of quid?"

So, I'm pasting a screenshot below of the response I got from the suppliers of Argos Playsand, after I enquired about aspects of it's current and future safety for aquarium use. It's really not surprising that the addition of anti-fungal/bacterial ingredients in the future IS a possibility and that those of you on this forum so blithely and assuredly recommending it to newcomers with no hint of caution are in the wrong.


Bye folks!

(If you're reading this, shouts to Branwyn who makes me proud to be BRITISH and Carousel, because the last sentence on your About Me is inspiring and I'm sending you postitive thoughts all the way FIGHTER).
in the future then yes they may add it, but as stated in the email, so far they add nothing therefore it is safe, obviously if they did start adding stuff, people on here wouldn't recommend it. Like i said on the other topic, i've used the stuff for years with no problems at all.

I don't see why your leaving after a debate though at the end of the day we all have opinions, there bound to clash sometimes
Im am in no way taking sides, and Ive seen nothing of what this is about; bullying, belittling, etc, BUT;

The guy has at least got off his bum and checked, because i honestly cant say Ive ever looked into it, can everyone else? I bet not.

The above post states an arguement that would never arise because of the above.

"obviously if they did start adding stuff, people on here wouldn't recommend it"

How would we know, if we havent checked....?
There is that Mowbz. I guess having used it for many years myself and not saw any problems its me assuming. i also assume it must be safe as kids being kids are likely to try drinking sandy water. We've all been young :lol:
first of all, top kudos for taking the time to email and find out the facts, but as for leaving becaouse a diffrence of opinion with some people is not good, we all have diffrent opinions and like it has been said they will clash from time to time, anyway a good debate is good keeps things fresh :good: :)
first of all, top kudos for taking the time to email and find out the facts, but as for leaving becouse a diffrence of opinion with some people is not good, we all have diffrent opinions and like it has been said they will clash from time to time, anyway a good debate is good keeps things fresh :good: :)

I disagree :rolleyes:


Seriously? Bullying & belittling a 16 year old? Maybe I was away that day but I have never seen this on TFF forums, its why I use it compared to some of the others.

Sorry to see you go.

good luck.

first of all, top kudos for taking the time to email and find out the facts, but as for leaving becaouse a diffrence of opinion with some people is not good, we all have diffrent opinions and like it has been said they will clash from time to time, anyway a good debate is good keeps things fresh :good: :)

I disagree :rolleyes:


Seriously? Bullying & belittling a 16 year old? Maybe I was away that day but I have never seen this on TFF forums, its why I use it compared to some of the others.

Sorry to see you go.

good luck.


you disagree with me? why? please explain more as to why, as far as Bullying & belittling a 16 year old. well i can not comment as ive not seen that.
first of all, top kudos for taking the time to email and find out the facts, but as for leaving becaouse a diffrence of opinion with some people is not good, we all have diffrent opinions and like it has been said they will clash from time to time, anyway a good debate is good keeps things fresh :good: :)

I disagree :rolleyes:


Seriously? Bullying & belittling a 16 year old? Maybe I was away that day but I have never seen this on TFF forums, its why I use it compared to some of the others.

Sorry to see you go.

good luck.


you disagree with me? why? please explain more as to why, as far as Bullying & belittling a 16 year old. well i can not comment as ive not seen that.

no I dont disagree with you, I was being ironic.

first of all, top kudos for taking the time to email and find out the facts, but as for leaving becaouse a diffrence of opinion with some people is not good, we all have diffrent opinions and like it has been said they will clash from time to time, anyway a good debate is good keeps things fresh :good: :)

I disagree :rolleyes:


Seriously? Bullying & belittling a 16 year old? Maybe I was away that day but I have never seen this on TFF forums, its why I use it compared to some of the others.

Sorry to see you go.

good luck.


you disagree with me? why? please explain more as to why, as far as Bullying & belittling a 16 year old. well i can not comment as ive not seen that.

no I dont disagree with you, I was being ironic, about the fact we like to discuss stuff.


Tom i apologies mate i saw your ":rolleyes: i disagree" while getting shot on Call of duty and misread the post, the misses is right i can not do two things at once. :good:
I leave the forums for 2 days and look whats happnes :rolleyes:

I dont see any problems he does not want to use playsand because it might in the future contain something nasty, the sand has not and does not a present contain any nastys for fish. My 100kg of play sand is still fine :good:

Someones got to buy the stupid priced sand at LFS keeps them open so i can fish :good:
Im am in no way taking sides, and Ive seen nothing of what this is about; bullying, belittling, etc, BUT;

The guy has at least got off his bum and checked, because i honestly cant say Ive ever looked into it, can everyone else? I bet not.

The above post states an arguement that would never arise because of the above.

"obviously if they did start adding stuff, people on here wouldn't recommend it"

How would we know, if we havent checked....?

Good point.

I would check.

Tom i apologies mate i saw your " i disagree" while getting shot on Call of duty and misread the post, the misses is right i can not do two things at once.

This made me laugh!

I will admit, I used play sand in my new tank without considering what was in it...Unforunately it doesn't even have on the bag what is in it :crazy: Will be making sure in the future!
If you had sense you would check each bag that you buy

People do check and are not mindless enough to keep using a product without checking

So yes people will learn to stop reccomending it when something changes but for the time being its safe

If you wanna go then go if you can't take a general debate on a fish forum then you need to wise up a little

its a big old world out there
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just a quick side note, if anyone feels that they are getting bullied in certain threads, then we would prefer you to hit the report button. The mods cannot check every thread on the forum.
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