
Fish Crazy
Jun 9, 2004
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Devon, U.K.
I was just doing a water change and the lid was off my tank. I had my hands in there building a little slate cave for my rainbow shark and...plop! Out leaps one of my zebra loaches onto the floor! I was pretty quick to pick him up-luckily I didn't have to waste time wetting my hands cos they were already wet-and I placed him back in the tank. He looked a little pale...

Will he be ok?
im sure they will be ok if they were only out for a few seconds, thats what my silver shark did
he was lucky cos if he had landed behind my sideboard he would have suffocasted!, but luckily he landed on the side so.
im sure they will be ok
Yeah I have had this experience before but not for ages so I can't remember what happened! I used to have an African butterflyfish that used to do it every single time so I had to isolate him in a covered container while I changed the water.

The loach was quite calm when I picked him up, probably used to me having my hands in the tank moving stuff around :D
Yeah I'm more worried about how far he fell, they must have some incredible muscles on them to jump that high and that far ;)

Just remind when the fishy olympics are on and he should win the high jump no probs :thumbs:
My rainbow shark jumped out of my tank once. He was fine, a little "freaked" out for a bit, but ok.

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