

Fish Crazy
Jun 25, 2007
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Washington, USA
Well looks like i can take the 65 and the 60 gallon tank off the list. Talked it over with the family after a long debate and it was decided (not by me really) that if i were to get the 90 gallon tank i could not get the other two. Instead they said i could get another 20 gallon tank but thats the highest the fam would go. And i was so looking forward to having the 3 big tanks. oh well, hopefully they will change their minds eventually.
oh wait, it was a 30 gallon tank that was the biggest i could get. still not what i was planning on but ehhh, i think ill be happy with a small tank again, get bac to my tank size roots if you will lol. but so if anyones has stocking ideas for african fish they would be appreciated. i was thinking of getting a Leopard Ctenopoma, the african butterflyfish and some african tetras, to kinda make a mini african safari tank so to speek, lol.

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