argh things don't work!!


TFF Founder
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jan 17, 2002
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Sorry was fiddling around with some settings and it stopped people posting (was trying to get img and http:// to work... they work now i think (hope.. )
ha that was why, thanks william thought it was those dang gremilins
again, :alien: :alien: only they were playing here last night lol :lol:
Well I swear my changes WOULD have worked... but the graemlins probably stopped them working.. thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it. :hyper:
hehe, whilst were 'playing' william - hoes aboat a speil cheker??
a speil chequer wud definetly tek a bit of the fun away fromm the forrum du yoo knot thinnk ?
posts don't seem to be appearing?

so there no point in writing this?

maybee william, eye gess ur wright - as allweighs B) eye dont knead a speil checker four me, it was 4 the otheres relle. :blush:
Nope posts work, it was just that earlier you couldn't even get to the "post" page, because the post_topic.html file was corrupted!
unless you were posting when the corruption occured... in which case yes that post may not have worked :( :( Really sorry WWW :(
except for the triple posts, its the cloning graemlins!! :eek:

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