Argassi/peppered....just Starting Out?

Tiger Tiger

Fish Crazy
Dec 7, 2006
Reaction score
Thinking of starting one of my tanks for breeding these little guys.
They are stunning in my view and i love their nature.

I have two peppered and just purchased 3 argassi (i think that is spelt right)
I do have a striped dorid of 2 inches long in which i am growing for the next tank up with a few 2 inch clown loaches when they get bigger

A question is....In the upper levels what fish will also survive well (not breed) to be with them.
And are the loach OK with them on the Bottom?

I would like some shoals of tetra's and harlequins of which i already have just a few off at the present.
If you want to start breeding, i wouldnt get your hopes up with the aggies, I dont 'think' they have ever been tank bred yet.
Harlys are nice in a big shoal :)
How bigs the tank?
If you want to start breeding, i wouldnt get your hopes up with the aggies, I dont 'think' they have ever been tank bred yet.
Harlys are nice in a big shoal :)
How bigs the tank?

Its a 50 gallon tank.
I would like to breed them (any cory) but would just like to get a few first and then move on to possibly that.

There is a 6 inch cory , i believe its the Bearded....Not sure...That must be a stunner
I think you might be on about Scleromystax barbatus rather than a cory? they can grow to just under 4", not 6" heres a link about them.

I would try aeneus or the Paleatus (Pepper) cory that you have first first, they are fairly easy to breed.

I would think the loach would be ok, although I dont keep any and never have
Tiger Tiger

If you plan to breeding cory, I'm not recommend the Loach [Loach ok living with Cory] they will eat Cory egg in not time when ever thay have chance. :crazy: :crazy:

Unless you remove Cory out when they ready to spwan in seperate tank. :good: :good: :good:
Am i missing something here?
I do not have loaches?

The fish i bought was a corydorus agassizii.

:/ :S
I guess you need to write more clearly. Your post gives the impression that you have clown loaches. You actually mentioned the loaches twice in your first post.
Sorry for the confusion, but your post does make it sound like you have loaches.
Yes, you did mentioned about loaches and I guess you have loaches or will have loached with cory, that is why not good idea to have them if you want to breed cory. :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
:blush: :blush: :blush:

Oh my God!

I was getting confused with my corries being called Loaches.... :crazy:

What a Dumbo!

My apologies to you all :blush:

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