Arg! Spawning Corys!


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2006
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So we woke up early this morning so I could go to my dentist appointment and found our corys were midway through spawning. Literally.

We found nine eggs on the side of the filter, and Bunny (our female albino) had eggs between her pelvic fins and we watched as Jack (our bronze male) fertilised them and she went off to lay them.

After constructing an emergency breeding net out of a pair of tights and half of our automatic feeder we left them to it and when we got back from dentist an hour later found they were still at it.

I dont think any will hatch, and we let Steve, our betta, finish off the extras for his breakfast, but we are so excited we are purchasing a breeding net to breed them more successfully in future.

We think its been a combination of the flubenol 15 and the fact we've been feeding the corys more, giving them catfish pellets in the morning, but finally Bunny has laid the eggs she's been carrying for absolutely months now.

I know with only about 6 eggs (some got dropped in the panic) there's no chance of any fry but the whole experience was so rewarding. :rolleyes: I love my fishies.

Pics and video later.

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