Are We Aloud To Have A Aquabid Drool Thread?


Fish Crazy
Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
Anyway, I was looking through Aquabid the other day. I found a male betta that I would love to get to try and start a copper line with him and one of either one of the girls I got from synirr or one of my babies when they are older. But unfortunately I can't get him because my mom says I have enough bettas already. :-( :sad:
Here's the link. Drool worthy copper male.
Yeah, I think those bronze-y colored bettas are great. I also tweak out for chocolate colors, and I don't even generally like chocolate. :)

I'm lucky I haven't found a betta on aquabid that's really tweaked my lizard, yet. I'd be p0wned inside 10 seconds. :lol:
I do occasionally find bettas on aquabid that really 'do it' for me, and sometimes I'm crazy enough to want to run here and say, "SAAAVE ME SEYMORE!", aka "Ask the forum of crazed betta-philes if I ought to spend $40 on a betta I saw a single photo of on some website I dare not join."

But then I realize... you people are ENABLERS. :lol:

You all would say, "Do it!"

And what choice would I have, but to cave into peer pressure? :-(

*runs away weeping.


I'm glad I'm picky, I'll say that much. The nice thing about my particular betta addiction -- I really dig their personalities. It's hard to see if a betta is 'fun', if he's just a picture online. The really gorgeous, frilly ones don't do it for me, because... you know, they're so delicate. I like smart bettas. Bettas that can train their humans to feed them bloodworms with chopsticks, given enough time.
Oh no. Not Aquabid. I only just bought 3 boys from there (due to arrive today, am nervous) and spent an arm and part of a leg getting them express shipped to me. :*) Add to that the need for the extra tanks as my only spare is now a hospital tank (with one female betta in currently cos she was very poorly when she was given to me for free by my lfs, doing heaps better happily although now appears to be blind poor lady).
I just went head over heels for these boys and it's my 7 yr old daughters fault. No really!! :lol:
Isn't he just awesome. :drool: I going to see if I can't my mom to get him for me. :hyper: :shifty: I think I might have to make a promise that will be very hard to keep. That being, no more bettas for a long while. :crazy: :-(
Those bettas are really pretty. :drool: Someday I may get a pair of wilds. They are very fascinating. :p

Well, it looks like I'm going to be getting the copper HMPK. YAY :hyper: My mom was very hesitant to give away her credit card number to paypal for an overseas auction. She decided to use my dad's credit card, he died two months ago and she plans on closing it out in a couple weeks. So he'll probably be here in a week or two. :hyper: :fun:
Those bettas are really pretty. :drool: Someday I may get a pair of wilds. They are very fascinating. :p

Well, it looks like I'm going to be getting the copper HMPK. YAY :hyper: My mom was very hesitant to give away her credit card number to paypal for an overseas auction. She decided to use my dad's credit card, he died two months ago and she plans on closing it out in a couple weeks. So he'll probably be here in a week or two. :hyper: :fun:

sowwy about your dad :-(

but yay! bettas!! :wub:
Thanks 'genesis. It's sad having dad gone, but he had been fighting Hodgkin's Lymphoma nonstop for almost three and a half years. And he was tired of it. He fought a long and hard battle with a very good attitude. He was a very good person and I hope to see him again someday. :)
I really can't wait to see what this betta looks like in person. I'm sure he looks better in person than in the picture. I can't wait.

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