Are Tropical Fish lcompaitable with Goldfish?


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
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Hey guys, I own a rather large Goldfish, I can't remember the exact name species, but here is a picture if it is needed. I also have a Koi and 8 Goldfish feeders.

Tropical fish are extremely beautiful creatures and I would love to own some, especially discus or angelfish, problem is I don't know whether I have to give my current goldfish to someone else. Is it alright if I put the 10 fishies together? Will the heater kill my Goldfish?

Thanks for the help, gladly appreciated. I decided to get into fish last Sunday so its pretty safe to say, I am relatively new to fish. :*)

*EDIT* also, is it alright if I throw my betta into my community tank as well?
not with angels, and discus at least and i doubt bettas would enjoy living with such large fish, so i'd say no but certain tropicals may be able to tolerate colder water conditions,
What size tank are you talking about? Goldfish and Koi get large and are very messy. There are tropicals that can live in coldwater, but make sure that you can house them all. ;)
My room temp is a constant 21C or higher in summer. My coldwater tank with the lights on is 23C for 12 hours per day. There are many tropical fish that can live in those conditions, they wont thrive but they will be ok.... such as zebra danios or guppy just for starters. Owing to an emergency my plec also had to spend a week in the goldfish tank a few weeks back, he suffered no ill health either.

I'd certainly have a heater in there tho to ensure temps do not drop below 21C.

Fish sizes apart, hope that answers your question.
There are quite a few fish that can live with goldies. But it is really important to know what sizer tank you are talking about and also what your parameters are.

there are tropical fish that will survive with coldwater fish and vice versa but why? they will not thrieve they will live. theres a difference. surely its better to keep your fish in conditions a close as possible to the natural habitat?

i wouldnt recomend it
In my experience tropical fish and goldfish don't do well together. I used to have a well established Goldfish tank. Everytime I would introduced tropical fish they would die within a week. Water parameters would be fine, my tank had a heater and everything. I thought it was the fish store fishes that was a bad batch. I would go and get my tropical fishes somewhere else and same thing they would die. I asked a owner of my old trusted fish store he said," It was probably due to the fact that goldfishes carry many diseases and parasites." (He could be wrong :dunno: ) If you do try it, I hope you have better success then I did. :thumbs:
Thanks for the great help guys, glad I consulted with you guys before making decisions. From what it looks like, it might not be a wise choice. If I actually do end up raising tropical, I'll probably just buy a separate aquarium, but if I'm low on money, I guest I'll have to sell my Koi because I don't think a 40 gallon would fir it. Its 5 inches now, but I here, they grow way bigger than that.

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