Are things normal?


New Member
Oct 6, 2003
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Mishawaka, IN

My male betta, Fish, is pretty. I've has him for a while now, maybe 3 months, and his lifestlye has greatly improved. He used to live in a .5 gallon bowl with a plant and some rocks.. now he lives in a 30 gallon tank, with 12 other small fish [tetras, bumblebees, and an algea-eater], a few plants, a low filter, and an oxygen-thingy. Yanno... it blows the bubbles into the water and stuff.. well, anyway, I have some questions [whats new] about my fish.
  • My betta's fins seem a little raggedy.. and his right fin has a hole in the middle of it. It doesnt look like finrot, and I know he doesnt have that crown "plummage", and I'm positive the other fish dont pick on him ;) . He's been treated for finrot in the past, and I had him cured, but now I'm afraid its come back because he does seem a bit depressed.. although he flares for the mirror and for the background :p Should I treat him for finrot anyway?
  • My betta doesnt blow any bubblenests, either. I DO have one of those.. airbubble things.. could this be why? or would they still show up?
  • My bumblebees are in with all these fish... if anyone knows what type they are, are they safe in my community tank? I've had them in there for maybe a day now and they seem just fine..
  • My last pleco mysteriously disappeared. I saw him once or twice after we got him, but then I couldnt find him, and I checked the top and the fliter everyday.. to be honest, I think the little bugger was eaten. The betta didnt show any signs of aggression at first, nor did the tetras [the bumblebees werent in at this time].. but I think I found part of his tail a week ago. We cleaned the tank yesterday, and he wasnt to be found. I got a new chinese algea eater, should I be worried about him? :unsure:
  • My lemon and priscilla tetras stay together, while my two bloodfins stay at the top. The bloodfins are eager to eat, but the others stay at the bottom in a pack, and wait for the food to float down. Is this ok, or is something up? and how do I know if they're getting enough food?
Thanks to any help :thumbs:
If it's fin rot, there will be some white stuff on his fins and tail. He could have tore it on some tank decorations, though. Do you have plastic plants?

Do you have bumble bee gobies? If so, if the betta is picking on them, they could be retalliating and nipping him. Gobies can be fin nippers, but mine are rather peaceful, but won't tolerate anyone harassing them.

As for the pleco, it could have died and the fish just picked at it till there was nothing left. But you might want to post this part of your question and the one about the tetras in the catfish and tetra part of the forum to get more specialized answers.
when my male lived in the 29 community his fins were forever getting shorter & shorter, I figured it was from excessive swimming which bettas really aren't "designed" for,after moving him to a 10 by himself they grew back,longer than ever so that COULD be the case with yours. Also....with his depression, I had the same problem and that's my main reason for moving him,he didn't like all the commotion of a community.

If there's a ripple on the surface your betta won't blow a nest,what's the point if it just gets swept away in the current :huh:

Did you check behind your aquarium for your plec? They can jump :/

tetras are notorious fin nippers,but I know people keep them with bettas anyway -_- :unsure: if they're not getting enough to eat .....hold the pinch of food between your fingers dipped in the water to get it really wet,then should sink faster giving them a better chance to get some 8)

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