Are They The Same?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 1, 2006
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i bought a black upside doen catfish are they the same as a upside down catfish becaues the black upside down catfish looks longer and slimmer than a regular one? cause i cant find no info on the web about a
Black Upside Down Catfish
No the black upside down catfish (Mystus leucophasis) is an aggressive predatory catfish from Asia which grows to around 10 inches and will eat fish up to half its own size with relative ease.
so it will eat all my neons and stuff.....?
It will treat your entire stock as a eat as much as you like buffet.
Bye-bye fishies. Sometimes you have to be careful what you buy. I've made the same mistake before as well. Most people have I think. If you can, return it and get credit or an exchange on a more docile fish.

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