Are They Dead?


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, USA
My Trilineatus (spelling?) cories do nothing but hide and seem to cower in fear whenever anyone is within 10 feet of the tank that they are in. I never see them more than 3" from the bottom of the tank. They only venture out to get the food tablets. Why are they not dancing up and down the sides of the tank? Do I have defective fish? (That is a joke) I keep thinking of just adding some anti bacterial meds just to see if it will help them. I set up this 29 gallon tank specifically to suit the cories. I have 7 right now. Three died over the last 2-3 weeks. My tank stats are ammonia -0, nitrite-0, nitrate-10, pH 7-7.5, kH 1-3 degrees. Water temp is 78-80F. The tank has 1 large piece of bogwood and 6 fake plants. The substrate is a large grain sand.
The fish mostly occupy the two back corners of the tank which each have coverage from the fake plants. A few will occupy the little cave under the bogwood.

Other inhabitants, 4 pearl danio, 7 harlequins, 5 chain loaches.

What can I do? More caves? lower temp? more cories to school? different tankmates?

This tank is BORING!
Mine is the same, my corries are scared of thier own shadow, they only come out at night when lights are out...

What i do lol on a night is turn all lights out and shine a torch in the tank to watch them for a bit, for som reason that dont see to bother them and they dont hide lol.
I'm just frustrated that every fish I have seems to hide and/or have no personality. My ottos, cories, serpae tetras, pitbull plec, all of them. My best fish are my kribs, who are supposed to be skittish. The male and female will both stare me down when my nose is 5 inches from the tank.
do you have very bright lighting?
if so that could be a possibility that they are feeling vulnerable and startled from the bright lights!
do you have very bright lighting?
if so that could be a possibility that they are feeling vulnerable and startled from the bright lights!

I have 1 flourescent bulb. I believe it is 18 watts (T12). It works out to like .6wpg. It is a broad spectrum bulb. Could that be too much?
Um, stop banging on the glass with your knuckles every time you walk by? j/k

Do you have places in the tank for them to hide? That's pretty important for them especially when introduced to a new tank. Also, as 5teady mentioned, they like to come out at night.

If they have a secure environment they'll eventually show more of themselves.

Corys are crepuscular meaning they are most active at twilight. a Moonlight will resemble twilight and you will be able to see there active side. Go with more caves and consider going with real plants. You could start with a hardy, low light plant such as java fern.

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