Are these White Cloud Mountain Minnows?


New Member
Jun 30, 2020
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United States
I recently got some (what I presumed were) White Cloud Mountain minnows. Their coloration didn’t look like what I had seen online, but I figured it was just bad lighting/stress on the fish. They have not changed color since I got them.
I got more white clouds today and they look exactly like what I’ve seen online, and when I see the two next to one another, they don’t even look like the same fish, aside from their shape.

I’m not yet super familiar with these fish, so I want a second opinion on whether or not these are the same fish before I call the store to ask to return the fish and get a refund.

Sorry for the rough picture quality.
The first two pictures are the first fish I bought. I’ve noticed that a few of these ones have two long-ish whiskers/bristles/barbels.
The fish in the net is what I bought today, I’m not concerned about these guys.

I feel I should mention that all 12 of them (6 from each round of purchasing) are schooling together.

First two pictures looks like some kind of danio. The third picture is an actual white cloud.
First two pictures looks like some kind of danio. The third picture is an actual white cloud.
They were in the same tank as zebra danios actually, and I googled danios and they are definitely pearl danios. Hopefully the pet store takes them back because danios will not work in the tank I planned on putting them in after they’re quarantined.

Picture of pearl danio I found on google:

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