Just some random thoughts:
Gnathonemus petersi is not a good community fish. It's difficult to feed and sensitive to medications that contain copper. Among other things, it needs a sandy substrate and regular feedings of worm-type foods. Electric fish tend not to get along with each other and shouldn't be mixed.
Tiger barbs would be a poor choice for use with dwarf gouramis, let alone knifefish, because of their potential nippiness.
When keeping fish like
Apteronotus, it's best to work around their very specific needs and habitat. Wild fish inhabit deep, fast-flowing rivers where they forage over sandy substrates and hide in rocky crevices or under sunken wood. Create a habitat like that, and then choose fish that would come from the same (or equivalent) environments. Hatchetfish and many tetras would be good companions, and in terms of catfish,
Corydoras or
Ancistrus would be ideal. Don't choose anything that feeds in roughly the same way, like carnivorous catfish, loaches or eels, as there's likely to be competition.
Cheers, Neale
Hi Neale, hope you are well?
Just wanted to say thanks also for the info on the BGK, I've been looking for tankmates for them myself to create a biotope around them.