Are These Ponds Any Good?

Dana C

Fish Crazy
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score

We were going to dig a pond in the garden for our comet and shubunkin goldfish but we are not allowed as we live in a rented house.
My dad saw some raised ponds by intalog which just stand on the ground, we are looking at the 175 gallon pond and were wondering if this would be any good?

Has anybody here got a raised pond or any experience with them.

Thanks in advance for any comments.
I've had both. The raised ponds do not get any benefit from geothermal heating/cooling like a 3' deep ingroud pond gets. I see you are in the UK and I hear it gets pretty cold during the winters there. Since your pond isn't too big, you could use styrofoam sheets (like the "pink" plastic coated type used for insulation on homes) to cover the pond during the winters which will help keep the warmth in the pond and/or use enough heaters to keep the temps above 55F. If you get lots of snow/ice, then you would need to use something to brace the styrofoam sheets as they would break under the weight.

Do lots of reading on overwintering fish in ponds for more info and check out any conflicts here. I have a page in my blog with lots of pond info on it... including a link to many aqua-articles on overwintering, etc.. Click my main blog in my sig, then go down the right side for Pond Info and click the link(s).
Thanks for your reply,

I have looked at your link lots of info on there, I will have to do some more researching.

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