Are These Ok With My Tank Mates


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
dundalk ireland
hi in my tank iv got a zebra danio 6 mollies 4 swords 2 shrimp and a load if molly fry . iv just got 4 gold barbs and and 6 giant danios so are these ok woth my other fish. i was wondering too if the giant danios would cross breed with the zebra danio
Should be fine. I wouldn't worry about cross breeding. You're very unlikely to have an fry survive in the tank anyway. Most of your fish will eat readily fry.
Should be fine. I wouldn't worry about cross breeding. You're very unlikely to have an fry survive in the tank anyway. Most of your fish will eat readily fry.

iv lots of molly fry in my tank at the min some of them have made it to 5 months old now

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