Are These Fish Eggs? And If So, Whose Are They?

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Jun 16, 2007
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We have tiger barbs, mollies and cory catfish in our tank, and we found some eggs.

Whose are they?


Mollies are livebearers. What about the others? And what do we do with them? Put them in the QT tank?
Wpuld say that they are most likely to be tiger barb eggs. As you say, the mollies are live barers, and the corries are egg placers (lay semi-adhesive eggs all together on a chosen spawning site). That is assuming they are eggs. I don't recall ever seeing any eggs looking like that. Then again, I have never bread barbs.
If they are indeed eggs, scoop them into a cup, and transfur them to a qt tank. You need a air driven box filter, to prevent the fry beeing sucked into the filter. A higher-than-adverage temp will boost growth, however it also facilitates the quicker spread of disease, should an outbreak such as whitespot or velvet occur.
Congratulations and good luck raising them :good:
from a quick look on google I dont think they are barb eggs as a page I found says that they are transparent , but I could be wrong def not the other 2 as said
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