Are these fish compatible?


New Member
May 23, 2004
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I'm going to write a list of fish if someone could tell me which ones are compatible with the majority, specifically the bala.

Bala Shark
Opaline Gourami
Pearl Gourami
Rainbow Shark
Tiger Pleco
Giant Danio
Green Zebra Barbs
Boesemani Rainbow
Celebes Rainbow

The rainbows (at three inches in length) are probably too small for this group of fish, aren't they? Thanks in advance for any help.
This is research . . . kind of a dream tank. As big as it needs to be. I just wondered if the fish were compatible.
as big as it needs to be? i mean if they are in a 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

then yes :rolleyes:
Hi Shay

As a general rule, it's not a good idea to keep gouramis with angel fish. The angels tend to nip at them.
Okay. So the others are compatible? What about the rainbow fish, with the bala sharks? Since they can grow up to 12 to 16 inches.
Bala sharks grow big, but they are not aggressive. I don't think they would hurt the rainbows if you get bigger rainbows and young balas. Let's assume you buy a 120 gallon tank, which is, IMO, the smallest possible tank to hold all of the species you want. In this you could have 2-3 bala sharks, 2 each of opaline and pearl gouramis, or 4 angels, 1 rainbow shark, 1 tiger plec, a school of 6-8 giant danios, another school of barbs (same amount), and 6 rainbows (3 each). I think this would be a good set up for you. Good luck, hope you get your dream tank soon. :D
I'd leave the angels (and possibly the barbs) out of the mix. Make sure you don't put those barbs with anything that has long fins. Other than that, everything should get along fine. Remember to add slowly!
ren said:
I'd leave the angels (and possibly the barbs) out of the mix. Make sure you don't put those barbs with anything that has long fins. Other than that, everything should get along fine. Remember to add slowly!
He's right. I wasn't paying too much attention. You'll have to choose between the angels/gouramis and the barbs.

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