Are These Compatible?


Fish Crazy
May 19, 2010
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Well I recently remodeled my tank with a switch from gravel to sand and I also bought a very big driftwood centerpiece that my bristlenose loves. I was wondering if I could add a rubber-lip pleco with my male BN pleco? Are they compatible together, I think these plecos would look real nice as they both dont grow over half a foot and pretty hardy.

edit: 30 gal / 100 L tank btw
Well I recently remodeled my tank with a switch from gravel to sand and I also bought a very big driftwood centerpiece that my bristlenose loves. I was wondering if I could add a rubber-lip pleco with my male BN pleco? Are they compatible together, I think these plecos would look real nice as they both dont grow over half a foot and pretty hardy.

edit: 30 gal / 100 L tank btw

ive got a rubbernose/rubberlip/bulldog/whatever you want to call it, and its probably the most docile plec ive ever seen. keeps itself to itself, spends lots of its time hanging off the glass, despite having no algae in my tank, never annoys anything else. from what i can tell, they come in a few different colours all under the same name. my friends has a green one with dark green stripe pattern, mine is grey with black spots.
The only potential issue is temperature.

Chaetostoma (the rubber lip) like cooler temperatures ideally than most other species. A by product of this is a higher oxygen content than most other habitats.

That said I have successfully kept them at around 24 celsius in a plec community tank, they love current and mine used to hang high in the tank getting bashed around by my spray bay.

I had both cf thomsoni (the grey/green with black stripes) and milesi (grey with black spots).

Great little fish
thanks for advice, should look great with my BN pleco once I decide to get it. They'll love the new driftwood centerpiece I just bought :hyper:

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