Are these compatiable??


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
I have 1 x Agasizzi, 2 x Bronze and 2 X Julii cory, also 1 L-number 205 (my pride and joy) and am looking to add a couple more corys and another plec. One issue is that the tank only holds 55 litres!!!!

I keep on top of the water changes and always feed just enough so water quality is rarely an issue. Also looking to add a shoal of 5 tetra like fish as well. Any comments as to whether this is viable or not.

The plec I am looking to add is the bulldog plec and the L-number I currently have is pictured below,

Thanks for your input.

A small school of tetra's may be possible but i'm not sure about another Plec. :/. IMO you'd be overstocked in the bottom feeder area if you did. Its not a big tank but if you keep up the water changes etc like you say, I think the tetra's could be OK. Just make sure they are compatibile with your Agasizzi, which shouldn't be too difficult.
thanks for your help ferris.

i thought that was probably the case but thought I better check with you guys first!!!

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