Are these cichlids compatible?


New Member
Jul 25, 2004
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Im planning on getting some new SA/CA Cichlids and was wondering if these fish will get along. I was thinking maybe 2 tiger oscars, 2 Salvini cichlids, 2 turqoise/green/gold (i like em all) severums. Will this combo be ok or am i making a mistake. :unsure:

I look forward to your replies. :thumbs:
How big is your tank ?

Salvinis are about as mean as they get , even meaner than that .

Full grown they would end up smaller than either the sevs or oscars ,but at the same size salvinis could easily kill the oscars and severums .
I say could because maybe they wouldn't .....I would pass on the salvinis myself .
Tank size is very important, That mix can certainly work, especially if you raise them up together, but you would also need 200 gallons or more to do it.
ya the tank is a 240 gallon, its the growing up thing that is bad my oscars are full grown :-( . Yet my oscars are very peaceful, they dont bother any of my other plecos or catfish, are there any other COLORFUL docile NW cichlids?
Severums are nice, but you already mentioned them, Also try Geo's they are colourful, big, and docile!!! check out my fish galleries for pics of mine!
Keep an eye on the Salvini's they are one hell of a gressive fish and it wouldnt take them to much to kill an oscar. Any other cichlids you like because you do have the tank space.
Go ahead and get severums, and maybe Jack dempseys. Geos are awesome BTW. Just make sure you buy almost full grown cichlids so the oscars don't eat them :)

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