Are These Bolivian Rams?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 55926
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I've never seen rams with Red bellies either like that in the second pic so i guess anything is possible, including camera flash.

You started out saying both species have red eyes, retreated to saying well yours did, retreated further to " well one of them did, a bit" then found some distinctly odd coloured pics.

Everyone else can decide for themselves when they go to their LFS and look at the Bolivians there but clearly your original statement that both species have red eyes is not the same as " one of mind had a red tint" .

As i say, everyone else can decide for themselves by going and looking.

Badly worded sentence, I should have put may have red eyes, where did I say one species did? I didn't.

The wrong ID at the start has something to do with the fact that only one picture (altispinosus) appears when the page loads incase you're wondering.

You clearly stated "Both species have red eyes" which you have now edited to read "may".

The ID at the start was not wrong, it was correct. That is a Bolivian Ram in the pic. It doesn't have red eyes and you identified it correctly as Bolivian which contradicted your assertion later.

Ever feel you have been here before?

You are so busy backtracking and editing your old posts now that you have lost yourself

I edited one post (what's the point in leaving a blatant sweeping statement for others to read, I want the info to be correct), I wrongly Id'd the fish at the beginning, because I thought that picture in the first post was the OP's which later turned out it wasn't, the OP's fish has been identified correctly now.

No , you have edited two posts in this thread. Don't take my word for it though, go check yourself.

Once again, you correctly identified the fish in the first picture as Bolivian. It doesnt matter whether its a pic of his fish or not.You said that pic was of a Bolivian.

If you want to continue this then i suggest we do it through a moderator. I have screen shots of the threads so if you feel like any more editing feel free. I have the originals.

So I have edited two, one to add to a previous post about the eyes, and one to correct the misleading statement I made.

Geez, this thread was started so a mis-identification could be sorted out, and has turned into a school playground-style squabble!! The fish have been identified.. Leave it at that!!!! Does it really matter who said what... Really!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Agree with ape man, its getting pathetic, it doesnt really matter who said what as long as the outcome is correct.

Philak, I have seen bolivians with pink/red bellies like that, although it does tend to be Microgeophagus Ramirezi females that have the pink/red bellies, I have had a couple of female bolivians like that too.

I know I'm new to fishkeeping but I am certain I have German Blue Rams now, not Bolivian. They don't look like Bolivian Rams at all, whether or not you offer a little variation. And I am pretty sure Bolivian Rams do not have fully scarlet red eyes.

Anyway, I will just see how they do in my tank. I'm not going to take them back after a month. They seem fine so far, and have been breeding.
Mig - What temperature are you running the tank at? This (along with water hardness) are the two most important things. They can survive for a decent length of time in something which deviates from the 'optimal', but below 28C and medium to hard water often results in problems.
I'm not trying to say you WILL have problems, that's the thing with biological organisms. Just be aware of it. :)
I am at 25°C and live in a hard water area, unfortunately. They seem happy until now and are fine as long as I keep the water quality high. I hope of course that they will live a long happy life, but only time will tell if I run into problems. Ironically, they seem to be doing better than all my other fish.

By the way, just thought I would post a photo to show that they are German Blue not Bolivian. There is a clear difference. This is my female:


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